Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Dont touch his dick - you´ll get punished
No one touch my dick - is he does he´ll get punished.
Thats a quotation from Glenn Hysén, former a great player in the Swedish national soccer team.
Once some gaymen tried to touch his dick - and they got a huge fist from Mr Hysén. Bang.
Almost every Swedish paper publish his story about this accident.
Well, Hysén was in his younger days a very handsome men, I guess there were both men and women who wanted to... yes, you know what.
Anyhow, tomorrow this man will hold a speech in Stockholm Pride. And that has been a lot of quarrels and discussions about if it is an appropriate thing to let him speak there.
I dont understand whats the big issue? Is not everyone a human?
By the way, I read that there are plans for a hip hop festival, only for homosexuals. Aint that a sort of rasism?
Andra bloggar om: snopp, homo, Pride, Stockholm Pride, Glenn Hysén, fotboll, homofrågor, sex, debatt, diskussion, tal, invigning, bög, hip hop, festival, rasism
Friday, July 27, 2007
Simpson rules, Schulman/DN sucks
Yeah, hottest of everything around the western world is a yellow weird cartoon man and his son and the dick of his son.
I will sure go to movie tonight.
And almost every review celebrates Simpsons - the movie.
SvD: 4
DN: 5
DN publish some trailers, but I publish here to, so you dont need to go to them.
By the way: no, all Photos here will not be seen in the movie.
If Simpson is hot now: do you want to know what is not hot:
Two things or maybe three:
1. Britney Spears
Everything she does now seems to take bad ways. She needs a holiday.
2. Is the combination of Schulman and DN.
What do they have in common. What are they planning?
I will go to Simpsons and forget everything about the poor DN/Schulman story.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Schulmans dont know a damn shit of blogging
Swedish media, sure the reporters dont know a damn shit of what blogging is.
Blogging is meant to connect, networking, link to another.
Journalists and traditional medias are devoted to one-way-information. The journalists tell how things are. They are sort of loving themselves. Thats all.
And thats what Schulman and his clan are.
They are not networking with the bloggosphere, they are just obsessed of themselves.
Even the Swedish minister Bildt is a better blogger.
In Swedish:
Svensk media vet inte ett enda skit om vad att blogga är.
Schulman och hans vänner bloggar inte, de skriver egofixerade krönikor.
Punkt slut.
Skrivet med anledning av den stora morgontidningens förvirrade artikel.
Andra bloggar om: Schulman, blogg, blog, bloggare, weblogs, bloggosfär, Dagens Nyheter, journalister, media, medier, skit, shit, trams, bloggkultur, kändisar, kändis
Blogging is meant to connect, networking, link to another.
Journalists and traditional medias are devoted to one-way-information. The journalists tell how things are. They are sort of loving themselves. Thats all.
And thats what Schulman and his clan are.
They are not networking with the bloggosphere, they are just obsessed of themselves.
Even the Swedish minister Bildt is a better blogger.
In Swedish:
Svensk media vet inte ett enda skit om vad att blogga är.
Schulman och hans vänner bloggar inte, de skriver egofixerade krönikor.
Punkt slut.
Skrivet med anledning av den stora morgontidningens förvirrade artikel.
Andra bloggar om: Schulman, blogg, blog, bloggare, weblogs, bloggosfär, Dagens Nyheter, journalister, media, medier, skit, shit, trams, bloggkultur, kändisar, kändis
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
No, we dont believe Lindsay and Mel B today
Dont even try to make us believe it.
Thats the answer for today.
Everyone have heard it now:
Lindsay Lohan is arrested again for drugs.
And she says: I am innocent.
In the wake of her arrest for DUI and possession of cocaine early Tuesday morning, Lindsay Lohan offered a swift and simple explanation: "I am innocent."
Asked by TV's Access Hollywood late Tuesday if there was anything the actress, 21, wanted "to get out there" about the charges against her, Lohan responded in an email to the show's Billy Bush, who had just spoken about her on CNN:
"Yes. I am innocent ... did not do drugs they're not mine."
Her father blaims himself, says he is responsible for the whole messy lot.
The next we dont believe is Mel B, a Spice girl:
"Scary Spice" Melanie Brown says that when it came to her now-damaged relationship with Eddie Murphy, the original plan was to marry after the birth of their now 3-month-old daughter.
"This was a completely planned pregnancy," Brown, 32, says in an interview that appears on Essence.com.
From People.
Andra bloggar om: Lindsay Lohan, Mel B, Spice Girl, droger, kändisar, kändis, skvaller, kokain
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Damon: Clooney är gay
Dagens luring: Matt Damon säger: Clooney är gay
Dåligt skämt säger vi.
Matt Damon är bara sur för att det gick liknande rykten om honom och Ben Affleck tidigare.
– Jag trodde att jag hade hört allt skvaller, men människor verkar tro att alla skådespelare är gay. Det var samma sak för mig och Ben Affleck när vi gjorde ”Good Will Hunting”. Det var en massa rykten om att vi var gay och jag svarade aldrig på det.
Inte för att det spelar någon roll om vem som är gay eller inte, men Clooney är det inte.
Dåligt skämt säger vi.
Matt Damon är bara sur för att det gick liknande rykten om honom och Ben Affleck tidigare.
– Jag trodde att jag hade hört allt skvaller, men människor verkar tro att alla skådespelare är gay. Det var samma sak för mig och Ben Affleck när vi gjorde ”Good Will Hunting”. Det var en massa rykten om att vi var gay och jag svarade aldrig på det.
Inte för att det spelar någon roll om vem som är gay eller inte, men Clooney är det inte.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Japanese Learning English - LOL
This is crazy. Its to much.
I hate it.
Its racistic and suppress women.
Andra bloggar om: japanska, sexistiskt, video, japaner, engelska
I hate it.
Its racistic and suppress women.
Andra bloggar om: japanska, sexistiskt, video, japaner, engelska
DN censurerar och bojkottar absolut bloggar
Jag är helt säker: DN föredrar bloggar som skriver långa avhandlingar om politik, för såna finns det många av bredvid deras artiklar.
Men jag och syrran som föredrar att göra korta saker som vi hoppas får folk att tänka själva: vi bojkottas ofta av DN. Inte ens 50 procent av våra inlägg i våra två bloggar kommer igenom hos DN.
Bara så ni vet: långa rader om politik det är godkända bloggar.
Karikatyr eller mer absurda saker, inte godkänt.
Så trist är verkligheten och bloggar måste tydligen vara stöpta i samma mall: den politiska bloggen.
Vad säger Twingly om detta?
Andra bloggar om: twingly, DN, bloggar, medier, politik, bloggkultur, bloggare, blogs, weblogs
Men jag och syrran som föredrar att göra korta saker som vi hoppas får folk att tänka själva: vi bojkottas ofta av DN. Inte ens 50 procent av våra inlägg i våra två bloggar kommer igenom hos DN.
Bara så ni vet: långa rader om politik det är godkända bloggar.
Karikatyr eller mer absurda saker, inte godkänt.
Så trist är verkligheten och bloggar måste tydligen vara stöpta i samma mall: den politiska bloggen.
Vad säger Twingly om detta?
Andra bloggar om: twingly, DN, bloggar, medier, politik, bloggkultur, bloggare, blogs, weblogs
Will this blog be banned now?
Freedom of speech is not always the guidelines in Europe.
Cartoons of prince Felipe making love with his wife Letizia is being prohibited in Spain and the magazine El Jueves is going to be taking away from all stores in Spain.
El Jueves published this week cartoons showing Felipe and his wife having sex.
The question is how much a person has to take when he is very, very rich and famous.
I think it is frightening that this is prohibited. It is the same thing as when the muslim leaders were upset of Muhammed cartoons.
If we said this cartoon was about the Swedish princess, should we be banned then?
Andra bloggar om: karikayr, yttrandefrihet, prins, prinsessa, sex, kopulera, samlag, karikatyr, cartoon, demokrati, samhälle, pressfrihet, sex, sexbilder, sexteckning
Cartoons of prince Felipe making love with his wife Letizia is being prohibited in Spain and the magazine El Jueves is going to be taking away from all stores in Spain.
El Jueves published this week cartoons showing Felipe and his wife having sex.
The question is how much a person has to take when he is very, very rich and famous.
I think it is frightening that this is prohibited. It is the same thing as when the muslim leaders were upset of Muhammed cartoons.
If we said this cartoon was about the Swedish princess, should we be banned then?
Andra bloggar om: karikayr, yttrandefrihet, prins, prinsessa, sex, kopulera, samlag, karikatyr, cartoon, demokrati, samhälle, pressfrihet, sex, sexbilder, sexteckning
Sting and his wife love going to sex clubs - because it's "rock'n'roll"
Rod Steward is not that hot any longer. He came and no, he was not that good as he used to be.
Not if we should believe what the biggest Swedish newspaper says about his concert yesterday.
We would not say that Sting is so hot either. And absolute not his wife, she is let the woman who prepaires the food for The Sting Family leave when she got pregnant. Shit on Trudy Styler.
But, did you know about Trudy and Sting that: Veteran rocker STING's wife TRUDIE STYLER has proudly confessed the couple enjoy threesomes with strangers in 'swinging' clubs.
Film producer Styler revealed during an interview with American radio DJ HOWARD STERN she and her 52-year-old husband love going to sex clubs - because it's "rock'n'roll".
She said, "Swinging is like wife-swapping. Of course, we're doing it. I'm European. We do all that stuff. We have a lot more fun than you guys. It's rock'n'roll. Isn't that what we're supposed to do?
"I don't get jealous. He likes to go to these clubs where they all get naked, I just sort of hang out and talk to them."
You can read about it here.
But Jude Law, he is hot: real hot and seems to have a heart of Gold. He is in Afganistan and makes a documentary with the people there. The Oscar-nominated star has flied to war-torn Afghanistan with fellow Brit Jeremy Gilley to film a documentary for UK’s BBC TV channel, according to The Mirror. The pair will spend time with Afghan children as they record preparations by children’s charity Unicef for Peace Day on September 21.
Andra bloggar om: Rod Steward, Sting, Jude Law, kändisar, swinger, swingerklubb, swinger club, sexklubb, konsert, musik, Afganistan, dokumentär, film
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Nick Nolte Crashes in Hawaiian Airport
Nick Nolte, worse than ever.
He could not stand to wait for the delayed plane and got to much.
Drunk and maybe something more, and fell down.
TMZ publishes the revealing Photos here.
(I am too coward too steal them).
Andra bloggar om: kändisar, kändis, skvaller, Nick Nolte, stjärna, världsstjärnor, fylla, full, alkohol
He could not stand to wait for the delayed plane and got to much.
Drunk and maybe something more, and fell down.
TMZ publishes the revealing Photos here.
(I am too coward too steal them).
Dripping in sweat and barely able to keep his bloodshot eyes open, a handlebar-mustached Nick Nolte stunned travelers at the Kauai Airport this week -- by passing out cold on the terminal floor!
According to the source, Nolte was still extremely friendly despite his groggy state -- chatting with fans and allowing passengers to snap photos, however, he wasn't entirely functional. "At one point we helped him put a dollar in the vending machine.
Andra bloggar om: kändisar, kändis, skvaller, Nick Nolte, stjärna, världsstjärnor, fylla, full, alkohol
Rod - the one and only: I am sailing
Rod is hot stuff now.
A blogger suggests which three songs are the best with Rod.
He suggests:
ou're in my heart
Do you think I´m sexy?
Hot legs
We say: he is wrong.
The one and only is:
I am sailing.
A blogger suggests which three songs are the best with Rod.
He suggests:
ou're in my heart
Do you think I´m sexy?
Hot legs
We say: he is wrong.
The one and only is:
I am sailing.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Enrique Iglesias Joins Beckham's Supporter Club
Enrique Iglesias sure fanzies David Beckham.
From People:
Add one more major name to hop the David Beckham bandwagon: Enrique Iglesias.
"He's a great guy, really down to earth," the Latin crooner – and soccer fan – tells PEOPLE. "I think he can do for soccer here what Wayne Gretzky did for hockey and Michael Jordan did for basketball. If anyone can further the sport here in America, David Beckham is the man."
Yes, this weekend Beckham has his first match in US.
Soccer is something connects humans. Another guy who loves soccer is the Cuban president Castro who was that obsessed of Copa America that he forgot to take his medicine.
A real hot guy who also is famous for his soccer interest is Rod Steward. On Friday he plays in Stockholm.
Andra bloggar om: Enrique Iglesias, Rod Steward, fotboll, soccer, Beckham, Castro
Lundin - so hot
Someone is real hot in Sweden today: Anders Lundin.
haunted of tv-stations, everyone wants him.
His the real nice guy, seems friendly and always happy.
Another one, named Ernst, was captered of TV4, but he is not that hot at all as Anders Lundin.
Ernst looks as a very boring teacher, Lundin is the funny friend.
haunted of tv-stations, everyone wants him.
His the real nice guy, seems friendly and always happy.
Another one, named Ernst, was captered of TV4, but he is not that hot at all as Anders Lundin.
Ernst looks as a very boring teacher, Lundin is the funny friend.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Paul McCartney on a sweet holiday with the ex Heather
Believe it or not, but this is the latest gossip going on now.
Paul McCartney, yes the nearly-divorced Paul and Heather McCartney plan a summer holiday—TOGETHER.
From News of the World and from Perez Hilton.
The official video for Paul McCartney's UK single 'Dance Tonight', taken from the album 'Memory Almost Full'.
Andra bloggar om: Paul McCartney, musik, music, video, divorced, familj, semester, skvaller, kändis, kändisar, kändisskvaller, romans, skiljsmässa
Sunday, July 15, 2007
No rock an roll while celebratin the crown princess
Honesty, this is true:
The Swedish crownprincess Victoria celebrated her 30:th birthday. Thats nothing strange.
But: guess who was the biggest stars at the event?
Two really schlager artists: Carola and Måns Zelmerlöw.
Aftonbladet covers it up.
Swedish Daypaper too.
(The only comfort in this is that Salem Al Fakir also was there.)
Daily News too.
Thats the future queen of Sweden, celebrating with real commercial music.
Thats how life goes on in the kingdom of Sweden.
If you plan to go to Stureplan, place for the brats and celebrities in Sweden: prepare with this two songs and forget about rock ´n roll:
This is for the famous people in little Sweden, and under: my comfort in this strange world:
Andra bloggar om: kung, prinsessa, kronprinsessa, Carola, Zelmerlöw, schlager, kommersiell, rock, musik, musik, video, födelsedag, kalas, fest, 30, 30 år
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Metallica - one and unforgiven - yeah
Its true, most of users of Internet dont like Metallica any longer, because they are fighting piracy.
But we cant help to admin: they know how to play rock even if they today are middleaged men taking care of their families.
They are visiting Sweden now and are hot stuff of that reason.
Talking about Metallica? Thats also a name of a little baby in Sweden.
If you read Swedish, here is a journalist trying to explain why Metallica is the greatest band (but the band is not, he is wrong).
Andra bloggar om: Metallica, rock, rockmusik, rockmusic, video, hårdrock, fildelning, upphovsrätt, pirater, pirat, samhälle, konsert, spelning
Monday, July 9, 2007
Harry Potter is a bad, bad boy
I wanrn you:
dont click here
You will find a terrible Photo with Jack Nicholson with breast hanging as a lady with milk. Not so nice.
Suppose thats the dark side of Jack.
Another ugly person, or not ugly in the same meaning as Jack, there is a lot way being ugly is the very hot person Harry Hotter Potter.
This week the film number five comes and this weekend the film was showed for the celebrities in Swegen. Guess where? In Gothenburg. So all famous people were taken there with a special train from Stockholm.
Harry Hotter Potter is really on a bad way, he declares he loves to have sex with groupies. I am sorry, I am talking about Daniel of course.
There is a lot of gossiping around him now. Perez gossips too.
A very grown-up Daniel Radcliffe is on the cover of the new issue of Details magazine.Click here to read his very adult interview.
Andra bloggar om: Harry Potter, gossip, skvaller, kändis, kändisar, film, Göteborg, Stockholm
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hurry to share Photos - closing day is coming
Next week the police will shut down the Swedish site Pirate Bay.
The Swedish Police say that Pirate Bay on their server host child porn. I really dont think so. I do hope that dont.
Anyhow, Pirate Bay is not only a torrent site. They have an image-site too.
I found some very wonderful images there, no copyright, no license. Thats the way it should be more often. So my friends, hurry to Bayimg and download Photos before the Swedish Police shuts it down.
Links about the Police and Pirate Bay.
Svenska Dagbladetwo
Dagens Nyheter
Andra bloggar om: pirat, pirater, polis, polisen, fildelning, juridik, upphovsrätt, frihet, Pirate Bay, piratpartiet, bilder, nedladdning, dela, fildelare, elefant, elefanter, foto, fotografi, bilder
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Mother...I want to...fuck you
Kick me blue of sex - thats the understanding of a Swedish summerhit this summer. A hit which is a lot of discussing and fuzz around.
But have a look at the rock history and Frida with "Dunka mig gul och blå" is not worst.
For example The end with The Doors:
Jim Morrison sings:
”Father, yes son, I want to kill you. Mother...I want to...fuck you.”
Tip from Aftonbladet.
Andra bloggar om: Dunka mig, Metallica, Jim Morrison, fuck, sex, rock, rockmusik, music, musik, hårdrock, utmana, utmanande, revolt, sexrevolt, Frida, video, youtube
But have a look at the rock history and Frida with "Dunka mig gul och blå" is not worst.
For example The end with The Doors:
Jim Morrison sings:
”Father, yes son, I want to kill you. Mother...I want to...fuck you.”
Tip from Aftonbladet.
Andra bloggar om: Dunka mig, Metallica, Jim Morrison, fuck, sex, rock, rockmusik, music, musik, hårdrock, utmana, utmanande, revolt, sexrevolt, Frida, video, youtube
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Måns and The Laura - real hot
Guess what Swedes love? But not talking about sex, of course.
They love to gather outside and sing together. Every Tuesdag evening they are gathering in Skansen, an outside museum with old traditional houses and scandinavian animals as elks and wolfes (a lot of them are cuing from the night before). They gather there and sing songs together.
Thats incredible, but true.
They did it yesterday and will do so every Tuesday evening the whole summer through.
In Sweden famous artists and celebrities participate in this singing evenings. The hottest artists yesterday was Måns and The Laura.
Andra bloggar om: Allsång, Skansen, Måns, Zelmerlöv, The Laura, video, filmklipp, Release Me, Cara Mia
They love to gather outside and sing together. Every Tuesdag evening they are gathering in Skansen, an outside museum with old traditional houses and scandinavian animals as elks and wolfes (a lot of them are cuing from the night before). They gather there and sing songs together.
Thats incredible, but true.
They did it yesterday and will do so every Tuesday evening the whole summer through.
In Sweden famous artists and celebrities participate in this singing evenings. The hottest artists yesterday was Måns and The Laura.
Andra bloggar om: Allsång, Skansen, Måns, Zelmerlöv, The Laura, video, filmklipp, Release Me, Cara Mia
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Hallo: BlogFlux: whats the problem with sex?
The Swedish master in this area is Country Doc. Which area? Find surprising or rather more dubious and indecent news. I am really lost in this game if I met him in a match.
This I found at his blog:
He has a list of the top ten film orgasm.
And here the link to all these filmcuts.
Tell me: EU has a sexfilm with orgasmes as an ad for Europe in the world.
No human can exist without being created through a sexual act.
But: to blog about such issues is looked down at.
For example: BlogFlux says no to list this blog in their blogcatalog, because we do have some Photos with nude people. What is it with americans? Are they all developed in machines and industrial? Are they not born as human beings? What are they afraid of?
50 cent and Justin Timberland makes a song about sex and even worse: about pornography and makes a lot of dollar on that. But bloggers should feel ashame about mention sex? why?
Andra bloggar om: sex, sexfilm, orgasm, BlogFlux, Country Doc, blog, blogs, bloggare, blogga, sexblogg, porrigt
Monday, July 2, 2007
Orgasm is selling EU
From my collegue blog:
Orgasm is selling EU in an video ad.
From Aftonbladet also.
Andra bloggar om: sex, sexfilm, orgasm, EU, Europa, reklam, reklamfilm
Orgasm is selling EU in an video ad.
From Aftonbladet also.
Andra bloggar om: sex, sexfilm, orgasm, EU, Europa, reklam, reklamfilm
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