The most well paid whore?
No, I would not say that: its just a kiss.
George Clooney Whores Himself At Cannes, is the headline in EntertainmentWise.
The story:
In an attempt to get donation prices high, Sharon Stone offered lucky bidders the chance to win a seven-day Mediterranean getaway on a private boat.
Not only that, as Stone puts it "If you bid, one of these guys will come down and touch you. And you can choose which one." The guys she refers to being the male cast members of Ocean’s 13.
The lucky person coughed up $350,000 to the cause, and then let his girlfriend get smooched by George Clooney. Infidelity all in the name of charity eh?
More links about this wonderful kiss
Reuters: Clooney sells kiss for $350,000 in Cannes
PopSugar: A Very (Very) Lucky Lady Wins A Clooney Kiss
WalegCelebrities: George Clooney Auctions off a KISS!
If I was that rich I would sure have bidden over.
The story about this valuable kiss is also available in Swedish.
Petigt, men jag antar att du menar 'for a good cause'.
Thank you. Its corrected now.
Mickey Maze
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