No one touch my dick - is he does he´ll get punished.
Thats a quotation from Glenn Hysén, former a great player in the Swedish national soccer team.
Once some gaymen tried to touch his dick - and they got a huge fist from Mr Hysén. Bang.
Almost every Swedish paper publish his story about this accident.
Well, Hysén was in his younger days a very handsome men, I guess there were both men and women who wanted to... yes, you know what.
Anyhow, tomorrow this man will hold a speech in Stockholm Pride. And that has been a lot of quarrels and discussions about if it is an appropriate thing to let him speak there.
I dont understand whats the big issue? Is not everyone a human?
By the way, I read that there are plans for a hip hop festival, only for homosexuals. Aint that a sort of rasism?
Andra bloggar om: snopp, homo, Pride, Stockholm Pride, Glenn Hysén, fotboll, homofrågor, sex, debatt, diskussion, tal, invigning, bög, hip hop, festival, rasism
I think the issue is very clear: that other men (and maybe women), who regard Glenn Hysén as a role model when it comes to "manly" behaviour, think they have the right to physically abuse anyone whose behaviour does not please them at any particular moment. Gays, typically, are the target of such violence. 40 years of work against discrimination of homosexuals is in the risk of being all for nothing.
Had the person touching his penis been a woman I doubt that he would have resorted to such behaviour.
To touch someones penis without consent is of course a crime, but it doesn't turn Glenn Hysén into a law enforcement official. Under Swedish law the right to self defence is strictly limited to only so much force that is absolutely necessary to stop the immediate effect of the crime being committed. Thus, it is very likely that punching someone is regarded rather as a retaliation, and as such a crime ("assault and battery), one much more serious at that.
He did well with his speech, mr. Hysén. And he is still handsome, I think. And now the rumours tell that he is starting a new footballteam with gay,lesbians and transexuals.
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