One thing I suppose you would not believe about us (Mickey and Marble) but still is true: we rarely give up a book. If any of us start read a novel we continue reading to the very end, to the last page.
But sometimes, not often at all, we give it up, when the story is just to bad or to bad written.
The Arn-stories of the Swedish writer Jan Guiloou (he´s a writer or storytellern, honestly: he is no author) - none of us managed to read it through.
Today we got the news that the Swedish Television gave up to support the filmproducing of this story. A good decision, even when a bit to late.
I think the weird knight of Arn should have better be burried and forgotten. Here is a real knight to bring to movies:
Andra bloggar om: film, böcker, Arn, riddare, tv, SVT, Guillou, författare, skribent, bok, litteratur, filmprojekt
The reason you could not finish the book is probably because you retards can't read. Pathetic!
How come we retards read a lot an even have one of the biggest bookblogs?
Mickey Maze
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