No one touch my dick - is he does he´ll get punished.
Thats a quotation from Glenn Hysén, former a great player in the Swedish national soccer team.
Once some gaymen tried to touch his dick - and they got a huge fist from Mr Hysén. Bang.
Almost every Swedish paper publish his story about this accident.
Well, Hysén was in his younger days a very handsome men, I guess there were both men and women who wanted to... yes, you know what.
Anyhow, tomorrow this man will hold a speech in Stockholm Pride. And that has been a lot of quarrels and discussions about if it is an appropriate thing to let him speak there.
I dont understand whats the big issue? Is not everyone a human?
By the way, I read that there are plans for a hip hop festival, only for homosexuals. Aint that a sort of rasism?
Andra bloggar om: snopp, homo, Pride, Stockholm Pride, Glenn Hysén, fotboll, homofrågor, sex, debatt, diskussion, tal, invigning, bög, hip hop, festival, rasism